A map of the way to My School and Dialogue with Directions to my school
Dear students, today we are going to narrate a location. Are looking for a map of the way to your school from home and make a dialogue with direction to your school. Yes, Here you are! Just Read A map of the way to My School and dialogue with directions to my school.
Today I going to show you how to draw a map of the way to your school from home and make a dialogue with directions to your school.
It assists you to write the answer for the 2nd week English for class 7 student by the Dshe gov bd.
This article will supply you with how to describe a location. If someone wants to know about a place, then how you can narrate him. So, get some information with a dialogue. Let’s have an example- the location of my school from my house.
Suppose stranger talks with you and he does not know where your school is. The person asks you to give direction. You both are standing in front of your home. Now draw a map on the way to your school from home and make a dialogue with directions to your school.
Stranger: Excuse me! Could you tell me the way to the Comilla Government High School?
Alif: Oh, it’s not very far. I study there. Go along this street and you will come to a big road. Which is known as ‘Mogholtuli’. Turn left. Go along about a hundred meters, and you will see a Mosque. Go past and the school is on the right.
Stranger: Go along —come to cross ‘Mogholtuli’—turn left—go about a hundred meters —mosque—school on the right. Thank you very much.
Alif: It’s OK. You are most welcome.
- The location of my school
- Location of my school
- The location of my school
Now I hope you are more clear to draw A map of the way to My School and dialogue with directions to my school.
There’s 3 sample map of the way to school from home for class 7

This is a nice hand pencil drawing Way to school from home map. Its made by a student of Class 7 for doing best in Class VII 2nd Week English Assigned task 2021.

There is another awesome Way to school from home Map Drawn by a student. In this map, he tries to mention some important locations of Way to school from home. You can follow this one.

If you are looking for more Way to school from home map Drawing Then you can use this one. I hope now I can Draw a map Way to school from your home.
আরও দেখুন: ৭ম শ্রেণির ২য় অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট বাংলাদেশ ও বিশ্বপরিচয় এর ভাষা আন্দোলনের ঘটনাবলি ধারাবাহিকভাবে বর্ণনা
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